When you pull into your garage, are you reminded that it’s time for a garage floor update? Those old rackets on the wall and unorganized tools probably aren’t going to impress your neighbors.

Luckily, even if you no longer have a new garage, it’s never too late to try some new garage interior design ideas like an upgrade to your flooring

The new year offers a great time to consider some easy upgrades that will spruce up your garage in no time. Start by trying these four proven ways to upgrade your garage and leave it looking sharper than ever. 

1. Upgrade Your Floors

Garage floors endure a lot of wear and tear. Every time you bring your car in, you bring the elements with it. Over time, this can degrade and blemish any garage floor. 

There is a wide range of garage floor options on the market. Epoxy offers a shiny and smooth finish, but the material can wear over time. A two-layer flooring system can deliver attractive results that are highly durable. 

Do your homework and see which option works best for your garage interior. The results can look just like new garage floors.

2. Install Cabinets

One way to update garage interior is through the installation of cabinets. Garages are the default room for storing tools, but that doesn’t mean the space needs to look cluttered. Using a cabinet to store your tools helps keep those items out of sight but still easily accessible. 

Plastic box containers are a cheap and easy way to store tools, but wooden cabinets can enhance your garage’s interior. Whichever method you use, be sure to use labels for faster organization.

3. Add an Accent Wall 

The average garage is, well, pretty boring. Unpainted drywall may be the norm, but you can spice things up with an accent wall. An accent wall is any wall that “pops.”

You can achieve this effect while being functional. Painting the hangers for your tools with vibrant colors is one way to achieve this effect. Using hangers for accents also helps you avoid wasting space.

4. Add More Electrical Outlets

Are you looking for bright garage update ideas? Most garages have one electrical outlet at best. This limits your ability to add accent lighting and other upgrades to your garage.

Adding waterproof outlets can open up new possibilities for your garage. From a practical standpoint, you’ll need more power if you are going to run power tools and other electrical devices. 

Find New Garage Ideas and More

Start your new year off by brainstorming new garage upgrade ideas. Garages are a refuge where we maintain our cars and work on pet construction projects. Your garage should be both functional and well organized. 

Upgrade your garage by working with the team at Garage Force. Our concrete coating team has revolutionized the market for concrete floor coatings. The results are a seamless membrane that protects your concrete floor from chipping, breaking, and pitting. 

Call us today or book an appointment online today so we can give you a free quote.