Your concrete floor is beginning to crack or stain, or perhaps you’d like to prevent this from happening to your brand-new flooring. What’s the best way to seal concrete flooring to keep it protected? And which type of coating is best?

Polyurea and epoxy are the most popular materials used to seal concrete floors.

When it comes to polyurea vs. epoxy, epoxy has been the go-to sealant in the past. However, polyurea is emerging as the better, longer-lasting option in recent years. 

Both polyurea and epoxy have many similarities, but their differences are what set them apart from one another and are what should be used to make your decision when it comes to choosing a floor coating. 

So what is polyurea? And what is epoxy? In this guide, we’ll go over the key differences between the two so you can choose one that’s best for you and your concrete floor. 

Polyurea Vs. Epoxy

Polyurea and epoxy are both polymers, which are essentially repeating strands of molecules. But while they’re both types of polymers, they’re also different materials. 

To create an epoxy mixture, a resin and a hardener are combined thoroughly in liquid form before being spread in an even layer across the floor. The epoxy sits on top of the floor instead of joining with the concrete. 

Polyurea, on the other hand, is a polymer that’s also an elastomer. This means it has elastic properties, making it stretch more than epoxy. Polyurea’s strength and flexibility can even be tailored for a specific project, making it customizable. 

So what are some of the benefits of using each different kind of sealant? Keep reading for a summary of epoxy uses, as well as a polyurea guide.  

Advantages and Disadvantages of Epoxy

There’s a reason epoxy has been used for so many years. It has several pros, even if it has some cons as well. 

Epoxy is tough and can help prevent concrete from getting scratches, stains, or other types of damage. However, it’s not quite as durable as polyurea. 

The main disadvantage when it comes to epoxy and its durability is that it doesn’t stand up well against heat. 

This includes friction from tires constantly pulling in and out of a garage, which will cause the epoxy coating to thin, as well as the actual UV rays that the sun gives off.

These UV rays will eventually cause the epoxy coating to turn yellow in color, though it will likely take several years for this to happen. The more direct sunlight the epoxy coating gets, the faster the yellowing will occur. 

Another disadvantage of epoxy is that it takes up to five days to cure, or harden once it’s applied. While it could take a shorter amount of time, like two to three days, this is still significantly longer than it takes polyurea to cure.

Epoxy’s main advantage over polyurea is its price. 

Its popularity has a lot to do with its cost. While polyurea is a bit more expensive, epoxy is a cheaper alternative at an estimated $3-7 per square foot.

But with a cheaper price comes less durability. An epoxy coating won’t last as long as a polyurea coating, meaning you’ll likely need to redo it every handful of years or so. 

The price of epoxy might look great, but its disadvantages pile up in comparison to polyurea. 

The Benefits of Polyurea

You’ve gotten a little background about epoxy, but what about polyurea? What makes it so different from epoxy?

Polyurea is stronger than epoxy (20 times stronger, in fact!) while also being more flexible. This makes it incredibly customizable and a great protectant for concrete flooring. 

Unlike epoxy, it won’t turn yellow due to sun exposure. It’s perfect for sealing flooring that will likely be exposed to UV rays so you don’t have to worry about replacing it in a few years due to discoloration. 

Another advantage of polyurea over epoxy is that polyurea has a much faster cure time. 

Once polyurea is applied to the floor, it’ll take about one day to cure. Instead of having to wait almost a week to park your car in the garage, you can do it after only 24 hours.

While the humidity will affect the cure time (the higher the humidity in your area, the longer both epoxy and polyurea will take to completely cure), you’ll likely be able to step on the polyurea coating after just six hours.

One of polyurea’s most important benefits is that it’s long-lasting. While epoxy will start to diminish after a few years, a polyurea-coated concrete floor will last about 15 years with proper care. 

The price of polyurea differs from epoxy as well. Using polyurea to seal your floor will likely cost about $7-12 per square foot, which is pricier than epoxy. But remember, it’ll last much longer, saving you money in the long run. 

Choose Polyurea for a Long-Lasting Sealant

Now that we’ve laid out the pros and cons of using epoxy and polyurea, it’s easy to see that polyurea is often the better choice. It’s durable, quick, and lasts many years. 

When deciding whether to use polyurea vs. epoxy, take into consideration the purpose of the coating.

Are you trying to do a quick upgrade to your garage before selling your house? An epoxy sealant might be the best option. Or are you looking to invest in a long-term solution to keep your concrete protected? If that’s the case, polyurea is the way to go. 

Luckily, there are experts who can help you transform your concrete into strong flooring using a polyurea sealant. 

At Garage Force, we work hard to give you the durable and spotless concrete flooring that you deserve. For polyurea tips and next steps, contact us today and find out how to get started.