Not that long ago, the purpose of a garage was clear: parking cars. These days, things are not that simple.

If you can’t park in your garage, chances are it’s due to a lack of space. For many people, the garage is simply an overflow storage space. Even if you don’t see it that way, poor garage organization may still lead to clutter.

Want to keep your garage in good condition? Here’s a list of five common garage storage errors you need to avoid.

1. Not Hanging Your Bike

A bike is one of the worst things you can leave on your garage floor. It’s oddly shaped and big enough to be a safety hazard. With its kickstand engaged, a bike is also at risk of cars entering or exiting the garage.

When it comes to storing bikes in garages, your best option is the wall. That protects them from damage while saving your floor space. It’s best to use slatwall panels and hang the bike on sturdy hooks.

2. Storing An Old Fridge

Many homeowners can’t stand to part with an old fridge that “still works.” Instead, they place it in the garage and use it as a beer cooler. Most of these appliances are so inefficient that they cost you hundreds of dollars to run.

If you need to have a fridge in a garage, upgrade to an energy-efficient model. Even better, get an appliance that’s meant to function in a garage environment. Look for durability and resistance to temperature shifts.

3. Parking In The Driveway

If your family has several drivers, you may need to park some vehicles outside the garage. The alternative: install a car lift. That will maximize your storage capabilities and allow you to park all vehicles indoors.

At the very least, a car lift doubles the amount of available parking spots. A one-car garage holds two cars, a two-car garage holds four, and so on. If you have a classic car you rarely drive, a car lift is perfect for storing it.

4. Leaving Stuff On The Floor

Are you storing yard equipment in your garage? If so, hanging it on the walls will make it easier to find while giving your garage a modern look. Again, using shelves for storage is a good way to keep things organized.

Sports equipment doesn’t belong on the floor either. Rolling objects like balls and skateboards are safety hazards and take up a lot of real estate. Move them out of the garage or place them in specialized racks.

5. Keeping Random Junk

Do you still keep old kitchen appliances in your garage? How about half-used paint cans and old containers of automotive fluids? Or a weight bench that you kept meaning to use but never got around to it?

Realistically, most of this stuff is junk you’ll never use again. If you’re serious about organizing garage space, it’s best to throw it all away. Your garage should be an extension of your home, not a scrapyard.

Avoiding Garage Storage Errors

You can solve most of the issues on this list by using the right garage storage solutions. Not only this will lead to less time cleaning up the garage, but it’ll be much easier to find what you need!

Once you take care of these garage storage errors, consider investing in your garage floor. With the right coatings, your garage floor will look nicer and be more resistant to damage. Contact us here to learn more!