Did you know that one in three garages in the United States doesn’t have any cars inside?

If you have one of the two garages that keep a car protected inside a garage, then you may have noticed a few garage floor marks after a while. Over time, your flooring could end up looking like a skating rink. This is why it’s important to stay on top of the issue instead of letting it get out of hand.

Are you convinced that those marks will never go away? Keep reading to learn how to remove tire marks from garage floors.

Make a Cleaning Mixture

If you want your epoxy flooring to shine as bright as the day you first got it, then you’ll need to create the perfect cleaning mixture. You should start by adding around two tablespoons of your household dish soap to a gallon of warm water.

The next step for cleaning floors involves applying this mixture to the tire marks. Before doing anything else, you should let the mixture soak in for a few minutes or so. Once the mixture has time to do its job, you can start doing yours by scrubbing with a sponge.

The key to washing floors with tire marks is to use the coarse side of the sponge. This will give you much better results than if you use the soft side. After scrubbing, you’ll notice that the rubber residue is still there in places.

The final touch involves mopping up the area so you can get rid of all that and any other debris. Just be sure to use clean water when mopping. Afterward, all you need to do is let the concrete flooring dry, and it should look as good as new again.

Upgrade Your Garage Flooring

There’s no denying the fact that washing away tire marks is a temporary solution. As you continue to use your garage, more and more tire marks will accumulate, then you’re right back where you started.

Instead of dealing with this and other issues all the time, you can invest in the best garage coating. That way, your floor will be protected from stains, moisture, UV light, and much more. Best of all, it cures at a faster rate than epoxy so you won’t have to worry about a bunch of bubbles forming.

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Tire Marks?

Now that you’ve learned how to remove tire marks from garage floors, you can ensure that it looks brand new again. There’s a certain pride that comes from taking care of your garage when many people neglect theirs.

If you want to give your garage the royal treatment, then you should invest in our coating system. From full chip and metallic to Medici and quartz, you can rest easy knowing that our coatings are even stronger than epoxy. The benefits are almost endless, including resistance to ultraviolet light, moisture, and so much more.

It’s time to book an appointment online.