Do you dream of an organized garage? If you’re fed up with stepping over things, not knowing where anything is, the idea of the garage being somewhere you enjoy spending time might seem miles away.

But there are ways you can reach that dream! We’re here with some organized garage tips that will help you make the absolute most of your garage space, whatever size it is or whatever you use it for. 

Keep reading as we dive right in!

1. Make the Most of What You’ve Got

Have you got some extra parts lying around? Get crafty and make use of them! A great example is offcuts of PVC pipe – they make great holders for tools!

2. Mount Your Bikes

Bikes can take up a lot of room in a garage, and they are cumbersome to store. A great solution here is to buy some wall racks for any bikes you have so that you can mount them.

3. Think Outside the Box

This is the kind of thing that might just come to you in a moment of inspiration…but we’ll provide this one! 

To save surface space, try gluing the lids of any jars you have to the underside of shelves. This frees up room and keeps your screws and nails within reach.

4. Brighten Up Your Flooring

For an instantly effective way to make your garage look better, upgrading your flooring is a fantastic solution.

Check out our Hanna Banana coating which is sure to catch the eye! It’s just one of a huge range of flooring options available to you.

5. Get Labeling!

There’s nothing worse than organizing storage for a garage, and then promptly forgetting what goes where.

Writing on boxes or getting a label printer will make sure you keep on top of your garage organization.

6. Make Sure It’s Well Lit

A poorly lit garage will feel dark and closeted no matter how tidy it is. Choosing your lighting well is an important contribution to the overall look of your garage.

Try bright LED lights—halogen strip lights might be cheaper but they won’t emit as bright a light.

7. Make Use of a Pegboard

A pegboard is a fantastic multi-use organization system. You could use it to hang tools in all sorts of configurations. If you’re really handy, you could make one yourself! 

8. Make Use of the Garage Door

The inside of a garage door doesn’t have to be a plain wall (unless it’s a roller door). 

You could easily add some railing to the door and use it for some extra storage.

Get Ready to Have an Organized Garage!

Using even just a few of the tips we’ve given you here will get you well on your way to having that organized garage you dream of.

After that, the world is your oyster when it comes to what you can use it for! Whether you want to use it as a workshop or just for storage, having an organized garage makes it so easy to start.

Get in touch and find out more about our floorings to make sure your freshly organized garage is in fantastic condition!